What's On For Adelaide Families

"What's On For Adelaide Families"

This is a community-focused page for anyone looking for fun and exciting ways to entertain kids and spend quality time with their families.

There's no need for kids to be bored in a place like Adelaide...with an abundance of events, festivals, shows, parks, beaches, attractions, parades, concerts, zoos, museums....Lucky Us!!

Whether you have lived in Adelaide forever, been here a while, newly arrived or even on a visit, you will find this Facebook page and our website invaluable and full of activities and events as well as information about Adelaide's fantastic attractions and icons.

I can't think of a better place to live with my family. I feel truly blessed to live in such a fantastic place.

I hope the information and ideas help make your life a little bit easier and your days a little bit brighter.


I invite you to post any activities, events, concerts, markets, etc on the wall or send the details to me via PM or via our website, so it can be shared with others who are also looking for fun & exciting ways to entertain the kids and spend quality time with their families.

